Mile High United Way invests $6 million and selects 100 Strategic Investment Grant Partners. Working together, we will be changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in our community.


Mile High United Way is proud to award $6 million in the 2018-2020 Strategic Investment Grants to 100 of the highest-performing organizations in Metro Denver. These selected partners are implementing strategies directly aligned with Mile High United Way’s four Community Impact Goals and demonstrate impact with measurable outcomes. Working together, we will be changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in our community.

Grantees were determined through a rigorous and competitive community selection process. 170 volunteers including stakeholders, donors, subject-matter experts, business and community leaders, and Mile High United Way Trustees came together to review nearly 200 proposals, requesting nearly $16 million in funding, illustrating the immense need in the community.

Today, thanks to these dedicated volunteers, we are proud to share the selected 100 Mile High United Way Strategic Investment Grant partners.

“Mile High United Way has selected 100 Strategic Investment Grant partners and will invest $6 million in our grantees who are delivering critical services and programs to our community,” said Christine Benero, President and CEO of Mile High United Way, “It is going to take all of us working together to solve the big issues facing Metro Denver, and we couldn’t be more proud to work with these partners in fighting for the education, health and financial stability for everyone in our community.”

The Mile High United Way Strategic Investment Grants are just one of many ways Mile High United Way invests in our community through our four Community Impact Goals; ensuring children enter school ready to succeed, children are reading at or above grade-level by the end of third grade, youth graduate from high school ready for post-secondary education and entry into the workforce, and individuals and families meet their basic needs and are afforded every opportunity to move toward economic success.

Learn more about all of Mile High United Way’s programs and investments.