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Imagine if, on your 18th birthday, you were left to navigate adulthood without a parent or guardian’s support and guidance? For hundreds of youth, like me, exiting foster care in Colorado each year, this is our reality.

Growing up my wish was simple: to have a stable family. By the time I turned 18, I had lived in 15 different foster homes and instability was a fact of life as I changed schools, switched neighborhoods, and tried to make friends at every turn.

Before I found Mile High United Way’s Bridging the Gap, I was homeless for two months as I struggled to make ends meet without the support of family. The moment I walked into Mile High United Way, everything began to change.

Without Mile High United Way, I would still be homeless. I’ve never had such supportive people in my life. Ever. Housing, my budget, school – anything you can think of, they’ve been there for me.

Moving into my own home, with my fat cat and a new outlook on life, was a defining moment for me. I’m proud to be working and going to school, so that one day I can help other youth like me.

Your support has provided opportunities for me to succeed and now I can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds.