Mile High United Way Celebrates $6 Million Investment in 100 Strategic Investment Grant Partners


It takes a community. When it comes to ensuring that everyone in Metro Denver has education, health, and financial stability, we need to stand united as a community. On September 13, 2018, 100 outstanding organizations were celebrated at Mile High United Way. These organizations went through a rigorous selection process to become the deserving recipients of a Mile High United Way Strategic Investment Grant.

Mile High United Way is proud to award $6 million in the 2018-2020 Strategic Investment Grants to 100 of the highest-performing organizations in Metro Denver. These selected partners are implementing strategies directly aligned with Mile High United Way’s four Community Impact Goals and demonstrate impact with measurable outcomes. Working together, we will be changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in our community.

“We’re so proud to be your partners. We’re making a $6 million investment in all of you. While we see prosperity happening all around us in Metro Denver, I know that everyone in this room understands the gap and disparity that still exist. United, we can make a difference,” Christine Benero, President and CEO of Mile High United Way, said at the celebration.


Grantees were determined through a rigorous and competitive community selection process. 170 volunteers including stakeholders, donors, subject-matter experts, business and community leaders, and Mile High United Way Trustees came together to review nearly 200 proposals, requesting nearly $16 million in funding, illustrating the immense need in the community.

Suzanne Banning, President and CEO of Florence Crittenton Services, echoed Mile High United Way’s sentiments. “I like to think of our relationship as more of a partnership. I see us as Strategic Investment Partners. We have been fortunate enough to be in partnership with Mile High United Way for well over 130 years. We take advantage of everything that Mile High has to offer us. We look at all of the opportunities provided as chances to amplify our work.”

“Amplify” was the theme of the night. These 100 organizations came together to celebrate and learn from one another. Moving forward together, they are only going to amplify their impact, change, and opportunity for all with this $6 million investment.

Chris McDonald, Senior Vice President of Comcast Corporation, and Mile High United Way Trustee, sat on the Strategic Investment Grants review committee. “Being a part of the selection process helped us understand the needs of our community and we want to make sure that no one is left behind. Together, with our community, we are striving to have the greatest impact in the area where we live, work, and play.”

And Comcast is making sure to do their part as well. “We are providing critical resources to families in our community. We are providing discounted home and internet services called Internet Essentials, now for low-income households for about $9.95 a month.” We’re especially thankful to Comcast for being one of our top corporate partners and sponsoring the event.

By everyone doing their part, all of us are helping to ensure that children enter school ready to succeed, children are reading at or above grade-level by the end of third grade, youth graduate from high school ready for post-secondary education and entry into the workforce, and individuals and families meet their basic needs and are afforded every opportunity to move toward economic success.

Being united means that we stand together for a common purpose. Together, in partnership, with our incredible Strategic Investment Grant partners we are Living United.

Learn more about our Strategic Investment Grant partners or view more photos on Facebook.