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Kenia Creates Positive Change


Have you ever felt overlooked, unnoticed, or forgotten?

For many of the parents, residents, and community members I work with at Swansea Elementary, this feeling is a reality. People in Globeville, Elyria, and Swansea have experienced this feeling for decades. Although these residents face one of the highest poverty rates in Denver County, they are proud of their rich culture, history, and their hopes and dreams for their children are just as bright as ever.

When volunteers from Mile High United Way’s Tocqueville Society spent a day at Swansea Elementary last spring learning about the challenges facing our school and community before rolling up their sleeves to work, they did so shoulder-to-shoulder with the parents and students. As they revitalized the school, the volunteers and parents found they had more commonalities than differences.

That day, something fundamental changed. I saw that our parents felt supported and heard. I’ve long felt that a positive change is underway and that day solidified that feeling. It truly is powerful.

Your willingness to join together with others in our community is inspiring. Thank you.