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We Stand United For Those Who Need Us Most


On February 12th, over 50 Coloradans gathered at the Colorado State Capitol for Mile High United Way’s annual Day on the Hill  to learn more about the new state legislature and leaders in the state. Top priorities for the current legislative session were discussed by the Governor’s policy team. Topics included healthcare and early childhood education.


Lt. Governor Dianne Primavera started off the day by letting everyone know that, “We’re creating a society where no one is needing, and no Coloradan is left behind. We aim to improve the lives of the residents in this great state. The path to success starts early in life and that is why we are in support of full-day kindergarten. We also want to make sure that every Coloradan has access to healthcare.”


Christine Benero, President and CEO of Mile High United Way, echoed these sentiments, “We stand united for the people who need us most. We want to make sure that every family has access to all that Colorado has to offer.”


It starts by investing early. Full-day kindergarten is a top priority for this legislative session as it will provide limitless benefits for many Coloradans. Wade Buchanan, who sits on the Governor’s policy team, noted that “there is an inequitable system in the state and we are aiming to close the achievement gap.”


A bill is being worked on right now to meet this need and to make sure that no child is left behind. This work cannot be done alone. Help is needed on all fronts and the Governor’s policy team is grateful for its partnership with Mile High United Way.


“It’s all about partnership with one another. Together, we unite people, ideas, and resources.”