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Sara Fights for Her Daughter


When your child’s school calls, you answer the phone. If they ask you to come in right away, you go. And if your job gives you the flexibility to care for your family, you’re lucky.

Sara’s daughter, Janna, struggled to adapt to three schools in two-and-a-half years after her family moved to Denver from Los Angeles. After repeated incidents requiring her attention, Sara could no longer retain her job. More importantly, Janna’s education suffered due to unaddressed social-emotional challenges.

A caring principal at a previous school suggested a program at nearby Swansea Elementary School that could address Janna’s needs.

At Swansea, Sara says her daughter is a completely different child, and Sara has jumped into their new school community headfirst. She is an active participant in the United for Swansea parent group, where she and other parents learn advocacy and storytelling skills, guided by Mile High United Way, to create change in their community.

“I was inspired to learn from all the other parents. I learned a lot about myself. I want to create change,” Sara says.

Sara is fighting to ensure that her daughter Janna gets the education she deserves. What are you fighting for?