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Imagine fleeing your country, leaving behind your entire family, to escape ethnic violence and a lack of educational opportunities.

Although this was my reality as a teen, I am now a proud and hard-working American citizen. I speak three languages, work two jobs, and attend Red Rocks Community College to reach my full potential as an American.

Mile High United Way’s Bridging the Gap provided the essential support I needed to work toward my goals. When my family could not be there for me due to their own difficult circumstances, Bridging the Gap staff walked alongside me and showed me what a community of support looks like.

I am proud that today I am supporting myself in my own apartment and earning good grades in college. My goals are straightforward: reunite with my mother and sister who are still in Afghanistan, and earn my Bachelor’s degree.

Your support helps youth like me. Thank you.

– Rahmet

Mile High United Way’s Bridging the Gap program provides young adults transitioning out of the child welfare system with wraparound services, including access to stable housing, education and career opportunities, and wellness supports to help them build greater independence and economic stability. Learn more