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Family and Community Come First for Vernon Irvin


Vernon Irvin has inspired us with his leadership in the Tocqueville Society. Curious to know more, we reached out to ask him a few questions about what motivates him to give back.

What inspires you to give to Mile High United Way?
The ability to change lives. I am inspired by changing someone’s life trajectory by giving them a chance. Sometimes we just need someone to believe in us and give us the support when needed and MHUW does that for many families.

Why is philanthropy important to your family?
I grew up in a very small town outside of Pittsburgh, PA. My parents did not have much but they worked hard and encouraged us to give back to those even less fortunate. I’ve also had great mentors and they led by example. I want to be that kind of person for my kids and those that come after me.

What has your involvement in Mile High United Way meant to you and your family?
My involvement with MHUW gives me the ability to impact many more lives and organizations through my donation and volunteerism. Family time is valuable. The joy of giving back and volunteering with my wife and kids is important to me. We love getting out in the community and meeting families that are recipients of the great work MHUW is doing every day.

What is the best piece of advice you have received / would give to a young person?
Be resilient. Have faith. Believe in yourself AND get a great mentor.