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Emily’s Courage Pushes Her Forward


Sometimes, we feel like our lives have been turned upside down by circumstances beyond our control. When this happened to Emily*, she fought to get her life back on track.

Emily and her husband had achieved their dream of owning their own business. Then, after 15 years of running their company together, domestic violence and divorce turned Emily’s life upside down.

Emily had never had a résumé: as a business owner, she hadn’t needed one. Now on her own, and with two children to support, she needed help to start over. Resources were not easy to come by in her isolated mountain community, but there was one place that could assist.

At Mountain Resource Center, home to Mile High United Way’s Center for Family Opportunity, Emily met with a career coach who helped her recognize her transferable skills, build a résumé, improve her confidence, and apply for a job to support herself and her two teenage children.

Now working in a professional position, Emily’s fight led to a new perspective on what she is capable of accomplishing. What are you fighting for?

*Name changed for privacy