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The Colorado COVID Relief Fund is now accepting applications for funding

The Colorado COVID Relief Fund is now accepting applications for funding.
We know Coronavirus (COVID-19) has created far-reaching economic and social impacts across Colorado and beyond. Coloradans who live daily without access to critical services and opportunities due to race and socioeconomic status are being especially hit hard and disproportionately affected. Community- based organizations who serve these groups are experiencing immense strain and have acute needs for immediate, flexible funding.


Yet, Coloradans are rising to the occasion and working hard to ensure that everyone who calls our state home have what they need to overcome the devastating effects of the COVID-19 crisis.


Through this Fund, eligible community-based organizations across Colorado may receive a general operating grant of up to $25,000.
Learn more about eligibility, funding priorities, and how to apply
Have questions?
Email HelpColoradoNow@state.co.us with the subject line “Relief Fund” or visit HelpColoradoNow.org.