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Mile High United Way Welcomes Five New Trustees

Mile High United Way welcomed five new Trustees this month. Christina Dorfhuber (Deloitte Consulting), Todd Filsinger (Filsinger Energy Partners), Chris McDonald (Comcast Cable), Rodd Merchant (JE Dunn Construction Company), Tonette Salazar (Salazar and Associates) were elected at the Board’s annual meeting. The newly elected Trustees will join 35 existing Trustees, rounding out the 40 person Board.

“The Mile High United Way Board of Trustees represents our community’s desire to unite around challenges that face Metro Denver. With diverse backgrounds and skill-sets, it’s inspiring to have these leaders represent our organization and to work together towards a shared goal of bettering our community,” said Christine Benero, President and CEO of Mile High United Way.

Mary McBride will continue as the Chair of the Board of Trustees. McBride has served on the Board of Trustees since 2013. McBride has been Chair since 2016, and was the first woman board chair of Mile High United Way since 1992 when Gayle Klapper served in that role. Jandel Allen-Davis (Kaiser Permanente) will continue to serve as Vice Chair, Greg Anton (Anton Collins Mitchell LLP) will continue to serve as Treasurer, and Katrina Salem (PwC LLP) will continue to serve as Secretary.

The Mile High United Way Board of Trustees is a diverse and committed group of local business and community leaders who support the mission of Mile High United Way.

Mile High United Way continues to work with all of our strategic partners to ensure we are moving the needle on our communities biggest issues aligned with our four community impact goals: ensuring children enter school ready to succeed, children are reading at or above grade-level by the end of third grade, youth graduate from high school ready for post-secondary education and entry into the workforce, and individuals and families can meet their basic needs and are afforded every opportunity to move toward economic success.