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Denver to Provide New Housing Assistance Program in Response to Record-Long Federal Government Shutdown


*****If you are a City and County of Denver resident and are facing financial hardship due to an involuntary change in your employment status (or know someone who is) please call 2-1-1 for more information about the Temporary Mortgage Assistance program.*****


As the federal government shutdown stretches into its fourth week – the longest in history – Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock announced today support for furloughed workers and those affected by the shutdown struggling to make ends meet.

“Growing up, the loss of even one pay check would have been devastating for my family,” Mayor Hancock said. “It’s simply unacceptable that hundreds of thousands of federal workers and their families are being used as political pawns. I don’t want anyone to lose their home because of this shutdown, so Denver’s going to step up and support our federal employee residents where we can.”

A new Temporary Mortgage Assistance program will offer financial assistance to homeowners who are facing hardship due to unexpected changes in their employment status – including furlough, temporary layoff or significant reduction of hours worked. The program, being offered through a partnership with Mile High United Way’s 2-1-1 Call Center, will provide households up to two months or $5,000 maximum of help to cover mortgage payments. The Program will be begin accepting applications this Wednesday, January 16 through Mile High United Way’s 2-1-1 Call Center.

“We know this uncertainty is causing a scary situation for many individuals and families across Metro Denver and the nation. Mile High United Way is proud to partner with the City and County of Denver to connect Denver residents to resources through the Mile High United Way 2-1-1 Help Center to provide financial stability during this difficult time. In addition to temporary mortgage assistance, we want to reiterate that our 2-1-1 Help Center is here to connect individuals and families to critical resources in our community now and in the future,” said Christine Benero, President and CEO, Mile High United Way.


Furloughed federal employees and those affected by the shutdown in Denver may also take advantage of the city’s existing Temporary Rental and Utility Assistance (TRUA) program, which offers up to six months of rent assistance for renters, and up to $1,000 in utility payments for renters or homeowners who qualify.

“One of the core goals of the Office of Economic Development is to stabilize residents at risk of involuntary displacement, and I am thrilled that not only do we offer TRUA, but have been also able to quickly come together to create a new program and offer temporary mortgage support to homeowners facing unexpected financial hardship,” said Eric Hiraga, Executive Director of the Office of Economic Development.

Denver Human Services will also host a resource fair on Saturday, January 19 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. at their Sun Valley (1200 Federal Blvd.) and East Denver (3815 Steele Street) locations for people in need of support. Resources include housing costs supports (eviction, rental, mortgage, and utility assistance), food banks and other food resources, and help with other essential needs.

For more resources, please visit www.unitedwaydenver.org/211.