Get Involved

Corporate Volunteerism

Signup To Volunteer With Mile High United Way

Please fill the following form, and we will contact you soon to confirm your request. Have questions? Email to learn more about our corporate and group volunteer engagement opportunities. 


Number Of Volunteers:*

Do you have a budget for this project?*
Frequency of Volunteering:
Available From: (mm/dd/yyyy)*

Available To: (mm/dd/yyyy)*

Days Available (hold shift key to select multiple days if needed):*

Preferred Location to volunteer (not every opportunity is available in each location):*
Please indicate if you have a specific nonprofit organization where you would like to volunteer:

Does your company have a formal employee engagement program or Social Responsibility Program?:*
Do we need to report back to the company on volunteer hours for employees?:
Are you currently working with other agencies to schedule a volunteer activity?:
Are you interested in volunteering at a Mile High United Way Signature Event?:*