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Tocqueville Society

Denver's Most Generous Philanthropists

The Mile High United Way Tocqueville Society is an esteemed group of business and philanthropic leaders who devote time, talent, and funds to tackle our community’s most pressing challenges. Each member invests $10,000 or more annually in our effort to unite people, ideas, and resources to advance the common good.

Interested in becoming a member? Join this year’s Tocqueville Society Kick-off on Sept. 26!

A Growing Global Network of Philanthropic Leaders


Local Members


Worldwide Members

Join Denver's most generous philanthropist with Mile High United Way's Tocqueville Society

Membership Benefits

As a Tocqueville Society member, you will receive guidance on achieving your philanthropic goals, get invitations to year-round networking and engagement opportunities, and receive recognition throughout the year for your exceptional contribution to our community. 

The Impact of $10,000

Here are a few of the ways you can impact our community as a Tocqueville Society member with Mile High United Way:

Why early child care and education matters - how we can change the child care industry in Colorado

Cori Deterding

Vice President, Community Giving and Engagement

303.561.2347 | cori.deterding@unitedwaydenver.org

Contact Cori to learn more about joining Tocqueville.

Cori Deterding - VP of Strategic Initiatives with Mile High United Way
Thank You To Our Tocqueville Society Sponsors:
2024 Tocqueville Society Sponsors