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United for Business

Apply for No-Cost Support for Your Small Business

Our 3-month program for small business provides no-cost advising and consulting services. Our Business Advisors work as your partner to address your most pressing needs and will bring in industry leaders who volunteer and provide no-cost consulting for specialized topics. If interested, please complete the application below. We’ll follow up with you afterwards to explore how our program can best support you.

All information that you provide in this application is confidential and will not be used to determine qualification for services. The information you provide will be used by the United for Business team to learn about your business and your business’ needs so that we are better able to help you.

Preferred Pronouns:

Best Day/Time to be Contacted:
Business Name:

Business Phone Number:

Street 1:

Street 2:



Organization Website:

What year was your business established?:

Gross Annual Revenue:
Number of Employees (include full-time and part-time employees):

Link to Business Facebook Account:

Instagram Account:

Which industry describes your business?:
Local, Chain, or Franchise:
Business Structure:
How did you hear about this program?:
Other way you heard about this program:

Area of Need (Select all that apply):

Business Planning:
Website Development:
Social Media:
Graphic Design:
CRM (customer relationship management):
Marketing and advertising:
General Operations:
Business Closure:
Employee Ownership:
Contracting Opportunities:
Permits and Rezoning:
Industry Specific Trainings:
Other Area of Need:
Other Area of Need:

Is your business women owned?:
Is your business minority owned?:
What is your primary language?:
What is your race?:
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY):