Early Child Care & Education
We believe all children deserve a strong start in life.
In Metro Denver, there are 77,000 more children under the age of 6 than there are child care spots.¹ Mile High United Way is committed to creating an environment that fosters affordable, high-quality early care and education where our youngest learners enter school ready to thrive in kindergarten and beyond.
¹ Denver Business Journal
How We Support Early Child Care & Education
211 帮助中心
parents and children served through our United for Families program.
home visits to families, helping parents support their child’s school readiness at home.
child care slots created at the Tamara M. Sparks Early Learning Center
Planting Seeds For a Child's Future
As a toddler, Levi was shy and rarely spoke. His mother, Dulce, worried she’d done something wrong. Three years later, Levi is thriving in school, in part thanks to our Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) program. HIPPY is our evidence-based program to help parents and caregivers be their child’s first teacher. Once a week, our staff member Nancy provided Dulce with resources and support to prepare Levi for a lifetime of learning and success.
“Levi is more open and friendlier now. Before, he never wanted to talk, but now, he’ll raise his hand saying, ‘I know the answer! ... His change is a miracle to me.”
— Dulce
在 2024 年即将结束之际,我们回想起您为支持丹佛市家庭而采取的多种方式!以下是您在这一年中创造变化的方式...
2021 年 6 月 12 日,一英里高地联合之路(Mile High United Way)非常高兴地为 HIPPY 学生及其家长举行了首次毕业典礼。
一英里高地联合之路(Mile High United Way)儿童早期倡议主任莫莉-约斯特(Molly Yost)分享了我们的 "联合为家庭"(United for Families)倡议如何在大丹佛地区推动入学准备工作。
Help children in our community get a strong start in life with a high-quality early education.