Наша работа

Early Child Care & Education

We believe all children deserve a strong start in life.

In Metro Denver, there are 77,000 more children under the age of 6 than there are child care spots.¹ Mile High United Way is committed to creating an environment that fosters affordable, high-quality early care and education where our youngest learners enter school ready to thrive in kindergarten and beyond.

¹ Denver Business Journal

Наши программы

How We Support Early Child Care & Education

Справочный центр 211

Our 211 Child Care Resource & Referrals Specialists help families with referrals for child care and financial assistance as well as education about the quality and availability of care.

Объединение для семей

We increase access to high-quality child care by expanding the number of licensed child care slots, providing training for parents and caregivers and investing in early education programs.

Community Investments

Early experiences lay the foundation for success. We strategically invest in organizations that deliver innovative solutions in early child care and education.

Влияние с первого взгляда

Last Year

parents and children served through our United for Families program.


home visits to families, helping parents support their child’s school readiness at home.


child care slots created at the Tamara M. Sparks Early Learning Center


Planting Seeds For a Child's Future

As a toddler, Levi was shy and rarely spoke. His mother, Dulce, worried she’d done something wrong. Three years later, Levi is thriving in school, in part thanks to our Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) program. HIPPY is our evidence-based program to help parents and caregivers be their child’s first teacher. Once a week, our staff member Nancy provided Dulce with resources and support to prepare Levi for a lifetime of learning and success.

“Levi is more open and friendlier now. Before, he never wanted to talk, but now, he’ll raise his hand saying, ‘I know the answer! ... His change is a miracle to me.”

Больше историй

“HIPPY Is Not Just a Program – It Is a Family.”
Для этого нужна деревня... Предоставление предметов первой необходимости для ухода за детьми для поддержки семей
Mile High United Way проводит инаугурационную церемонию, посвященную знаменательным событиям в области дошкольного образования
Блог: Повышение готовности к школе в районах Денвера с низким уровнем дохода

Our HIPPY program is one way we’re addressing the early learning shortage and helping create pathways to success for children.

Июль 3, 2024

Во время первой акции Women United Village более 100 семей получили вещи для ухода за своими малышами, включая подгузники, коляски, автокресла и многое другое.

6 июня 2022 г.

12 июня 2021 года Mile High United Way с радостью отпраздновала первую в истории церемонию вручения дипломов ученикам HIPPY и их родителям.

21 июня 2021 года

Молли Йост, директор по инициативам в области раннего детства организации Mile High United Way, рассказывает о том, как наша инициатива United for Families способствует повышению уровня готовности к школе в Метро-Денвере.

24 сентября 2019 года

Инвестируйте в Mile High United Way

Help children in our community get a strong start in life with a high-quality early education.