

We believe everyone should be able to meet their basic needs, so they can focus on what’s possible.

In Colorado, 40% of residents say they are “just getting by financially.” 1 in 3 are concerned that they may not always be able to afford food.¹ Our programs and services ensure everyone in our community has a roof over their head and food on the table, so they can focus on the future and on achieving greater resiliency. 

¹ Colorado Health Foundation



211 帮助中心

Through our multilingual and confidential resource center, we connect people to resources including shelter, rental assistance, food assistance, child care and more.


We support young people transitioning out of the foster care system, helping them access housing and wellness supports, so they can focus on their future.


Our Community Advocates ensure that families in our United for Families program have access to high-quality child care and education and are able to meet their other basic needs.

Community Investments



Last Year

referrals for critical resources, like rent and food assistance, provided to 211 Help Center clients.


young people transitioning out of the foster care system were provided access stable housing.


applications for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits were completed.

一英里高地联合之路的 211 帮助中心导航员将来电者与住房、食品、租金援助、托儿所、食品福利等基本需求联系起来

Harvesting Resources to Restore Hope

After injuring his back at work and losing his job, a Metro Denver man faced eviction and mounting medical bills. That’s when he reached out to our 211 Help Center. We used an emergency assistance fund made possible through generous donors to help him catch up on his bills, and we connected him to shelter, food resources and a P.O. box to use as he pursued a worker’s compensation claim. The emergency assistance fund is just one example of how our 211 navigators search for every possible resource when working with clients.

“I highly recommend 211 to anyone who is in need, especially those who are losing their hope.”


在 2024 年全国志愿者周庆祝我们的志愿者
一英里高地联合之路 "工作人员因 211 领导力而受到表彰
一英里高地联合之路 "支持三项法案成为法律
通过新的 "211 "州资助,将家庭与关键资源联系起来

每年的 "全国志愿者周"(National Volunteer Week)期间,我们都会向帮助我们为整个丹佛市的家庭创造改变的志愿者们表示敬意。

2024 年 4 月 22 日

每天,我们 211 帮助中心的工作人员都在不懈努力,为整个大丹佛地区的家庭联系他们所需的资源。最近,三位一英里高地联合之路(Mile High United Way)的员工因其在 211 帮助中心的领导力和服务而受到表彰。

2023 年 9 月 20 日


2022 年 12 月 16 日


2022 年 6 月 7 日

科罗拉多州 211 高级主管 Stephanie Sanchez 介绍 HB22-1315 的影响。

2022 年 6 月 2 日


You can connect families in our community meet their basic needs.

Colorado Gives Day - Invest in Mile High United Way
Make a Lasting Impact on Colorado Gives Day!

Support Mile High United Way on Dec. 10 and join the statewide wave of generosity.

Early giving is open! Give now on coloradogives.org.

Colorado Gives Day - Invest in Mile High United Way