2023-2024 Community Report

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invested in the community
$ 0 M
vidas afectadas
volunteer hours facilitated
corporate partnerships

Qué hacemos

Since 1887, Mile High United Way has brought people together to solve our region’s most pressing issues. From early childhood education and homelessness to food security and economic mobility — we have united people, ideas and resources to advance the common good. Hover over the icons to learn more.

Our programs and services ensure everyone in our community has a roof over their head and food on the table, so they can focus on the future and on achieving greater resiliency.


Mile High United Way is committed to creating an environment that fosters affordable, high-quality early care and education where our youngest learners enter school ready to thrive in kindergarten and beyond.


Mile High United Way pone en contacto a las familias con toda una gama de recursos de vivienda, desde refugios de emergencia y viviendas de transición hasta viviendas asequibles y ayudas para el alquiler.


Mile High United Way supports local entrepreneurs, helping them take the next step in their business’ success. Their growth builds generational wealth for their family and community.


Mile High United Way provide high-quality, free tax preparation services to low- and middle-income individuals and families through our Tax Help Colorado program.


Use the yellow arrows below to scroll through stories of growth.
This work is only possible because of you.

  • Nurturing Future Growth

    In 2024, in partnership with Mile High Early Learning, welcomed families to the Tamara M. Sparks Early Learning Center at Mile High United Way. For Alejandra, a Mile High United Way employee, and her daughter, Natalie (pictured), the center represented the end of a multiyear struggle to find affordable, quality child care.

    Before its construction, Alejandra was tasked evaluating whether a new child care center in our building in Curtis Park would be beneficial. “I wanted to be a part of this journey, not just for our family, but for all the other parents who found themselves in a similar situation,” Alejandra said. Today, Mile High Early Learning staff are teaching and nurturing almost 60 children from newborn to 5 years old.
    Nurturing Future Growth
  • Growing Toward Dreams and Possibilities

    Antoinette left the Colorado foster care system without a home. She entered our Bridging the Gap program where she received a housing voucher and obtained her GED diploma. She’s now enrolled in school to become a dental hygienist, and recently graduated from Bridging the Gap with $30,000 in savings.

    "Mile High United Way’s Bridging the Gap program completely changed my entire life. When I first got my apartment, I couldn’t pay any of my bills. Now I work full-time and pay for everything myself."

    Last year, 141 young adults, like Antoinette, were enrolled in Bridging the Gap.
    Growing Toward Dreams and Possibilities
  • Helping Families Thrive

    Our Tax Help Colorado program helps families access the credits and refunds they’re owed by providing free, high-quality tax preparation services to households earning $65,000 or less. For many families, their tax refund is the largest check they will receive all year.

    “Tax credits are the second largest anti-poverty tool we have in this country.” said Kristin Hubbard, Tax Help Colorado director.

    Last year, Our Tax Help Colorado program staff and volunteers filed 9,707 tax returns, putting $19 million back in the hands of Colorado families.
    Helping Families Thrive
  • Harvesting Resources to Support a Thriving Community

    After injuring his back at work and losing his job, a Metro Denver man faced eviction and mounting medical bills. That’s when he reached out to our 211 Help Center. We used an emergency assistance fund made possible through generous donors to help him catch up on his bills, and we connected him to shelter, food resources and a P.O. box to use as he pursued a worker’s compensation claim.

    “I highly recommend 211 to anyone who is in need, especially those who are losing their hope.” — 211 Caller

    Last year, 278,378 referrals were provided to 211 callers looking for help meeting their basic needs.
    Harvesting Resources to Support a Thriving Community
  • Finding Opportunity During Times of Uncertainty

    Through the creation of her business, Efe Isiaku learned how adversity can create new growth and opportunity. She launched Gifted Hand, a balloon décor company, as a hobby. It was an unexpected layoff that opened the door for her to pursue the business full-time. Efe enrolled in Mile High United Way’s Small Business Accelerator and Website Build Initiative where she received a new website and insights into how to structure Gifted Hand for long-term growth.

    "Mile High United Way did not just train me, but helped me become a better businesswoman.”

    Last year, 2,000 local businesses were supported through our United for Business program.
    Finding Opportunity During Times of Uncertainty
  • Planting Seeds For a Young Child’s Future

    As a toddler, Levi was shy and rarely spoke. His mother, Dulce, worried she’d done something wrong. Three years later, Levi is thriving in school, in part thanks to our Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) program. Once a week, our staff member Nancy provided Dulce with resources and support to prepare Levi for a lifetime of learning and success.

    “Levi is more open and friendlier now. Before, he never wanted to talk, but now, he’ll raise his hand saying, ‘I know the answer! ... His change is a miracle to me.” — Dulce

    Last year, 84 children, like Levi, were served in our HIPPY program.
    Planting Seeds For a Young Child’s Future
  • Growing Opportunity for Everyone

    MyFriendBen is a tool that empowers individuals and organizations to quickly understand and access government benefits, tax credits and nonprofit programs. 211 began using the tool in fall 2023 to assist clients and is now MyFriendBen’s top referral source. Last year, $345 million in benefits for individuals and families were identified through MyFriendBen.

    My Friend Ben is one example of how 211 continues to innovate. Last year, we worked with U.S. Rep. Jason Crow to secure $500,000 in federal funding to support technology updates for the 211 Colorado Collaborative. This will enable us to access real-time data to better understand our region’s needs.
    Growing Opportunity for Everyone

Una comunidad unida en la acción


We are financially strong with $60.8 million in net assets as of Junio 30, 2024. In the fiscal year, 83 cents of every dollar spent was for programs. See breakdown below.

Mile High United Way programs, community collaboration and impact goals ($15M)
0 %
to other nonprofit organizations ($4.2M)
0 %
fundraising and events ($3.8M)
0 %
workforce & small business grants ($6.4M)
0 %
management and general ($1.3M)
0 %

Audited financial statements and tax form 990 for Mile High United Way, Inc., for the period ending Junio 30, 2024, are available.

Mensaje de nuestro Presidente y Director General

Christine Benero - Presidenta y Directora General de Mile High United WayAt Mile High United Way, I’m proud to say that 2024 was a year of exciting growth – from the little ones learning every day in our new early learning center, to 143,000 calls, emails and texts we answered in our 211 Help Center, to the nearly $19 million in refunds issued to our Tax Help Colorado clients.

In this annual report, you will read the individual stories of growth – the seeds of hope you helped plant throughout Metro Denver.

  • Antoinette completed Bridging the Gap, a program for young adults exiting the foster care system, with $30,000 saved for her future.
  • Levi is flourishing in his kindergarten class after graduating from our in-home learning program for parents of preschoolers.
  • Alejandra had her own year of growth – graduating with her master’s degree, being promoted within our data quality team and finding affordable, high-quality child care for her daughter, Natalie, in our early learning center.

There are so many more people every day who find opportunity at Mile High United Way thanks to your commitment to a Community United.

You – our donors, volunteers and partners – make our growth possible. You are helping to create opportunities for all we serve. And this year, a very special thanks to Board Chair Carlos Pacheco who showed us every day how to Live United.

I would be remiss not to acknowledge that there are few times in our country’s history when we’ve felt so divided, when it’s easy to wonder whether our hope will lead us anywhere. However, what I know about Colorado is that we believe in uniting a community to solve our most complex problems. That’s why I’m proud to be a Coloradan and most proud of the community we have all created together through our work at Mile High United Way.

Thank you for making Mile High United Way a place where possibility takes root.


Christine Benero
Presidenta y Directora General de Mile High United Way

Thank you for making Mile High United Way a place where possibility takes root.
Together, we are a Community United.