The Mile High United Way


Join Denver's Greatest Thanksgiving Day Tradition!

星期四, Nov. 28, 2024
Washington Park
1700 E Louisiana Ave, Denver 80210

Your registration for the 51st Annual Mile High United Way Turkey Trot directly supports Metro Denver families – providing families with high-quality early learning so kids begin school ready to succeed, connecting young adults to education and workforce development opportunities and ensuring families can meet their basic needs.

Mile High United Way is excited to celebrate this year’s Turkey Trot in Washington Park with all of you – the runners and volunteers who help make this Denver’s Greatest Thanksgiving Tradition. 

Stay tuned for the 2024 t-shirt reveal coming soon!


Walk or Run

With your registration, you are joining Denver's greatest Thanksgiving tradition AND giving back to your community. Registration is open!





Lil Gobbler Family Fun Zone

Don’t miss our Lil Gobbler Family Fun Zone at the Finish Village! Kids of all ages can enjoy games, face painting, photos with Gobbles and more as you celebrate finishing the race.


The Mile High United Way Turkey Trot course is a 4-mile walk/run at Washington Park. The Lil Gobbler Family Fun Run is a 1-mile walk/run that starts and ends at the main race start and finish lines.

The course starts at South High School (1700 E. Louisiana Ave., Denver, CO 80210). View the 2024 Course Map.

Below is the event day schedule:

7:30 a.m. – Registration opens
8:15 a.m. – Wave 1 corrals will open
8:45 a.m. – Opening ceremony
9:00 a.m. – Wave 1 starts
9:30 a.m. – Wave 2 starts
10:00 a.m. – Wave 3 starts
10:30 a.m. – Wave 4 starts
10:40 a.m. – Lil Gobbler Family Fun Run starts

To run the race and participate in post-race activities you must be a registered runner with a bib. We do encourage spectators to join the fun all along the course! Children under 2 can use a parent’s bib to enter the Lil Gobbler Family Fun Zone.

There are two ways to receive your packet: 

By Mail
This option is only available through Nov. 1st and must be selected at the time of registration. Packet assembly and mailing will begin Nov. 8. If you live out of state and wish to have your packet mailed, we strongly suggest you enter your local destination address for the mail option. Please contact with questions about your mailed packets. 

In-Person Pick-Up
Mile High United Way is excited to partner with Fleet Feet in Cherry Creek (3000 E. 1st Ave., #112, Denver, CO 80206) for advance packet pick-up. Please choose from one of the following days to pick up your packet.

  • 星期日, Nov. 24 | 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
  • 星期二, Nov. 26 | 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • 星期三, Nov. 27 | 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
  • Thanksgiving morning starting at 7:30 a.m. in front of South High School



Yes! You can register on-site on Thanksgiving morning at the registration tents in front of South High School. However, we recommend registering in advance as we cannot guarantee shirt sizes for any race day registrations. 


是的!我们喜欢让乖巧的狗狗朋友成为我们感恩节传统的一部分。 所有狗都必须拴在不超过 6 英尺的不可伸缩的狗绳上。

南高中(South High School)(1700 E Louisiana Ave, Denver, CO 80210)、华盛顿公园周边以及南高中南面的 All City Stadium 地段均有停车位。请尊重华盛顿公园的邻居,并遵守所有张贴的停车标志。

In addition to our Lil Gobbler Family Fun Run, we have our Lil Gobbler Family Zone as part of our Finish Village after the race! Enjoy games, face painters, photos with Gobbles the Turkey and more. All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.

可以!每个起跑波段都允许使用婴儿车、手推车和无障碍设备。请注意:上午 9 点和 9 点 30 分的起跑波段往往有更多竞争激烈的选手。我们鼓励您在每个起跑波段的后面加入,以避免被人群堵住。 禁止使用自行车、滑板车、滑板和其他轮式娱乐设备。

所有适应性运动员,无论速度快慢,均可选择在上午 9 点的起跑浪潮中提前出发。希望在此时起跑的运动员应在上午 8:45 之前到达起跑线前方。

欢迎速度为 6 分钟一英里或更快的适应性运动员在任何起跑浪潮中到达起跑线前方。

Can’t participate in the race this year, but still want to support the event? Join our team of dedicated volunteers and be a part of making the 51st Mile High United Way Turkey Trot a huge success! Whether you’re cheering on participants, handing out water or helping with setup, every role is essential. Register to volunteer here.

Sponsorship opportunities are also available. Explore our sponsorship packages and secure your spot today.




在樱桃溪的 Fleet Feet(2500 E. First Ave.)前 15 分钟免费停车,之后可获得由 Fleet Feet 提供的免费停车验证。

  • 11 月 19 日星期日上午 11 时至下午 2 时
  • 11 月 21 日星期二上午 10 时至下午 6 时
  • 11月22日(星期三)上午10点至下午1点,

需要为家人或朋友领取资料包吗?请务必写上他们的名字和姓氏。每个参赛包包括一个定制围兜和一件 T 恤(尺寸可在报名时预选),以及任何购买的附加项目。



  • 南高中、华盛顿公园周边以及南高中南面的全城体育场停车场均可停车
  • 预定起跑浪潮前 20 分钟内到栏杆处排队
  • 现场注册:计划在所选起始波前 45 分钟到达。鼓励使用手机注册和信用卡支付。
  • 我们欢迎所有乖巧的狗,但必须使用不超过 6 英尺不可伸缩的狗
  • Great Divide 啤酒花园享受由 Great Divide、Tito's Vodka 和 The Real Dill 提供的赛后啤酒或血腥玛丽。必须年满 21 岁并持有有效证件。
  • 赛后请务必到我们的 Lil' Gobbler 家庭娱乐区玩乐!所有儿童必须始终有成人陪同。
  • 赛后 在这里查看您的比赛成绩!


  • 上午 7:30 - 开始注册
  • 上午 8:45 - 开幕式
  • 上午 9 时 - 第 1 波开始
  • 上午 9:30 - 第 2 波开始
  • 上午 10 时 - 第 3 波开始
  • 上午 10:30 - 第四波开始
  • 上午 10:40 - 家庭欢乐跑开始

Sponsor 2024 Mile High United Way Turkey Trot